How to Find a Nursing Chair for Your Baby's Nursing Needs

When you are a new mum, you will spend a lot of time nursing your newborn. As such, you need a comfortable and supportive nursing chair to help you stay comfortable and relaxed during this time. Follow these tips for choosing the perfect nursing chair:

1. Comfort

Comfort is a key aspect of any nursing chair. When you are nursing, you must be comfortable so your baby gets the milk they need. Ensure the chair has a comfortable seat, backrest, and armrest. Look for a chair made of soft materials, such as foam or plush fabric, with good lumbar support.

2. Size

Size matters, and that applies to nursing chairs of any kind. These typically come in various sizes, so pick the right height and width. The chair should let you sit comfortably with the knees at a right angle and the feet flat on the floor. It would also be best if the chair has enough width to accommodate you and your newborn comfortably.

3. Durability

Consider a chair made of high-quality hardwood or metal materials with a sturdy frame. A nursing chair is a hefty investment, so make sure it's durable and lasts many years. You should also check the chair's weight limit to support you and your baby.

4. Ease of Cleaning

Babies can be messy, so ensure your nursing chair is easy to clean. Opt for a chair with removable and washable covers or materials that can be wiped clean. Be sure to check if the chair has no areas where dirt and grime can accumulate as time passes.

5. Style

Although a nursing chair can be an attractive addition to your nursery, the design may not suit your liking. That being said, the chair should suit your personal style and preferences. Nursing chairs come in different styles, from traditional to modern, so finding one that fits your décor will be easy. The chair's colour and pattern are also worth thinking about since you will be spending most of your days on it. 

6. Rocking or Gliding

Some nursing chairs come with a rocking or gliding motion, which can help to soothe your newborn. If this is helpful, choose a chair with this feature. Rocking or gliding chairs are cosy enough to make you feel relaxed while caring for your newborn.

7. Storage

A nursing chair with storage can be handy. Look for a chair with a built-in storage compartment, such as a pocket or drawer, to store nursing supplies, such as breast pads, wipes, creams, and baby powder.

In Summary

When choosing a nursing chair, there are several important factors to consider. The chair needs to be comfortable, supportive, and easy to clean. The height should also be right for you with a supportive armrest. Other features to consider are a footrest, a rocking or gliding motion, and built-in storage. Taking the time to choose the right nursing chair can positively affect your breastfeeding experience. 

Bambinos & Beyond offers a wide selection of nursing chairs from popular brands in the market today. Our nursing chairs are specially designed to provide long-lasting comfort and support for new mums when breastfeeding. These are also available in several colours and styles, allowing you to match your existing décor or suit your preferences.

Call us today at 07908 813166 or 01283 561831 for enquiries regarding the price and availability of our products. Thank you!