When Can Your Baby Safely Sit in a Stroller?

As a new parent, you might wonder when it is safe for your baby to sit in a stroller. While it might seem like a pretty simple question, the answer is not as straightforward as you'd think. There are certain developmental milestones that your baby needs to reach before they can sit in a stroller comfortably and safely.

In this article, we will discuss when your baby can sit in a stroller, the different types of strollers available at baby shops, and the safety measures you need to take to ensure your baby’s comfort and protection:

Newborns and Infants

Newborns and infants are not ready to sit in a stroller yet. They need to be held or carried in a carrier until they reach certain milestones. A baby’s neck muscles are not strong enough to support their head until they are around 3 to 4 months old. Therefore, keeping your baby in a carrier or a car seat is crucial until they can hold their head up on their own. A car seat is an essential item you must purchase before your baby arrives. You can find a range of car seats and other baby essentials at a baby shop.

When Is It Safe for a Baby to Sit in a Stroller?

Once the baby can hold their head up on their own, they are ready to sit in a stroller. This usually happens around six months of age. However, every baby is different; some may reach this milestone earlier or later. Pay attention to your baby’s physical development and consult with your pediatrician before transitioning them to a stroller.

Types of Strollers Available at Baby Shops

Several types of strollers are available at baby shops to suit your needs and preferences. Here are just a few of the most popular styles:

  • Lightweight Strollers: These are perfect for parents always on the go. They are compact and easy to fold and store in your car trunk. They are also very lightweight, which make them easy to carry around.
  • Travel System Strollers: These strollers come with a car seat and a base that can be attached to the stroller. This makes it easy to transition your baby from the vehicle to the stroller without disturbing their sleep.
  • Jogging Strollers: These strollers are designed for parents who want to stay active with their baby. They have three wheels and are suitable for rough terrain.
  • Umbrella Strollers: These strollers are lightweight and compact, making them perfect for travelling. They are also easy to store and fold.

Safety Measures to Consider

Before you start using a stroller, there are certain safety measures that you need to consider. Here are the most important ones:

  1. Buckle up: Always make sure that your baby is securely fastened in the stroller with the harness or seatbelt.
  1. Use the brakes: Always engage the brakes on the stroller when you stop to prevent it from rolling away.
  1. Keep the stroller stable: Avoid hanging heavy bags or attaching toys to the stroller handle, as this can make it unstable and tip over.
  1. Protect your baby from the sun: Use a canopy or a sunshade to protect your baby from harmful UV rays.


Knowing when your baby can sit in a stroller is crucial for their safety and comfort. It is important to wait until your baby can hold their head up on their own before transitioning to a stroller. There are different types of strollers available at baby shops to suit your needs and preferences. Always ensure you take the necessary safety measures to protect your baby while using a stroller.

Bambinos & Beyond Baby Store is a family-operated baby shop offering a wide range of new, nearly new, and pre-owned items at unbeatable prices. Our fast delivery and exceptional customer service make shopping a breeze. Browse our selection of strollers, travel systems, car seats, nursery furniture, play mats, play gyms, high chairs, food preparation and weaning supplies, and so much more!