Tips for New Parents: When to Start Looking for Strollers

As a new parent, a stroller is one of the essential items you will need for your baby. A baby stroller is a valuable piece of equipment that will make your life easier by allowing you to take your baby outside for a walk or run errands without carrying them around all the time. 

However, with so many stroller options available, choosing the right one for your baby can be overwhelming. Therefore, this article will discuss when to start looking for strollers and provide tips to help you choose the perfect stroller for your little one.

When to Start Looking for Strollers

The best time to start looking for a stroller is during your second trimester. By this time, you would have already had your first prenatal appointment and have a good idea of your due date. Once you know your due date, you can start researching strollers and decide which will be best for you and your baby.

If you wait too long to start looking for a stroller, you may find that the stroller you want is out of stock, or you may not have enough time to research and compare different stroller models.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Stroller

Strollers are an essential piece of equipment for parents with young children, and there are many factors to consider when choosing the right stroller for your family. Here are some things to consider:

1. Lifestyle

The first factor to look at when choosing a stroller is your lifestyle. If you are active and like to go for walks or runs, you will need a stroller designed for jogging. On the other hand, if you live in a city or frequently use public transport, you will need a stroller that is lightweight and easy to fold.

2. Budget

When choosing a stroller, your budget matters. Strollers are available at different price points, so deciding how much you are willing to spend before you start your search is essential. While it shouldn't be the only consideration, setting and sticking to a budget helps you narrow down your options and make an educated decision. 

3. Age of Your Baby

Your baby's age is another critical factor to consider when choosing a stroller. If you have a newborn, you will need a stroller that can recline fully; if you have a toddler, you will need a stroller that can accommodate their weight.

4. Features

Finally, it is essential to consider the features of the stroller. Some strollers include additional features such as a car seat adapter, a parent tray, or a storage basket. You should decide which features are essential for you and your baby.

Types of Strollers

There are numerous types of strollers, each with its own features and benefits. Here are some of the most popular types of strollers you can choose from:

1. Standard Strollers

Standard strollers are the most common type of stroller suitable for daily use. They are available in assorted sizes and can be used from birth until your child is a toddler.

2. Umbrella Strollers

Umbrella strollers are lightweight and compact, perfect for travel or quick trips. However, they are unsuitable for newborns as they do not recline fully.

3. Jogging Strollers

Jogging strollers are designed for parents who love to jog or run. They have three wheels designed to provide a smooth ride while jogging.

4. Double Strollers

Double strollers are designed for parents who have twins or two young children. They are available in different configurations, including side-by-side or tandem.


Selecting the best stroller for your upcoming bundle of joy is essential, and it is important to start looking for one during your second trimester. When choosing a stroller, you should consider your lifestyle, budget, the age of your baby, and the features of the stroller. 

Several types of strollers are available, including standard strollers, umbrella strollers, jogging strollers, and double strollers. Following these tips, you can choose the perfect stroller for your baby and make your life as a new parent easier.

Looking for all the newborn essentials? Look no further than Bambinos & Beyond! Shop our selection of strollers, car seats, diaper bags, and more to make sure you're ready for your upcoming bundle of joy. Visit us today and let us help you prepare for parenthood!