Hauck Grey Citi Neo 3 Pushchair is a great city companion. This agile three-wheeler is the right choice if you are looking for a practical shopping and travel companion that is both light and easy to manoeuvre in tight situations.
Our Citi Neo 3 offers both a comfy sleeping position for your little one, and for you, it also has an accessory tray for drinks and your cell phone, as well as an extra-large shopping basket. In addition, the lovely peek-a-boo window in the canopy allows eye contact with your child, as well as an optimum air circulation.
On car trips, this lightweight folds away compactly with one hand, making the Citi Neo 3 a great travel companion. Once you’ve reached your destination, the pushchair is easy to unfold too.
The 5-point harness, front bar with anti-slide protection and parking brake help keep your child safe at all times.